Friday, December 8, 2023

Photography 2: Honors

 "Inspirational Posters"

Interactive Puzzle:

Written Statement: 

To fulfill my honors requirements for this course, I decided to focus on how I could incorporate my photography work into my senior exhibition. With the concept of my senior exhibition being the juxtaposition of play and adulthood with an over arching dystopian “Big Brother” government theme I came up with the idea of creating “inspirational posters'' that feature some of my best photographs throughout my college career. Being very deliberate with the photos I chose, I was able to convey a different form of juxtaposition that expands on the Big Brother theme that will be present within the show. Each poster looks like a standard inspirational poster with usual wording such as Beauty, Creativity, Freedom etc. but when the viewer reads the quote at the bottom of the work they may find themselves uneasy as they will not be inspired, they may even start to feel uncomfortable only adding to the connotations that I wish to elicit with the ambience and scenery within “The Office” setting. The second half of my proposed honors project for this course was to choose a photograph that I have taken and turn it into an interactive puzzle that will be incorporated into the sensory wall that surrounds the created office environment. Like the photographs used in the “inspirational posters” I wanted to be deliberate in what imagery I chose to display in order to be cohesive with the atmosphere. In order to do this I researched different office aesthetics and what typical office décor would look like. I came to the conclusion that I wanted a minimalistic photo of nature to push the loss of adventure and freedom while being in the office setting. instilling a sense of hopelessness in the viewer as they realize they are stuck in the office when they could be enjoying the beauty of nature. By deliberately placing the puzzle on the interactive wall, I believe that it will add a subtle hint of the totalitarian government theme that I am trying to resemble without being in the face of the viewer. Placing these elements around the installment will break up the bleak aesthetic while also feeding into the theme of my senior exhibition.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Photography 3: Top 3 Final Images

  "Love Go Round" "The Things We Wear" "ABC Sing With Me"